Vaser High Definition Lipo – Dr. Sanjay Parashar

Vaser High Definition Lipo

Vaser is not an ultimate technology for liposuction. The result of liposuction depends upon many factors; most importantly technical skills of the Plastic surgeon, anatomical knowledge and Aesthetic perception of body beauty. Vaser High definition Liposuction in Dubai is very popular.

Vaser surely has advantages of gentle emulsification of the fat without affecting the important structures such as nerves and the heat generated by vaser energy helps in collagen contraction. The combination of these two helps remove fat gently with less bruising, pain and discomfort and better skin draping.

The key in high definition liposuction is the removal of fat from multiple compartments ie superficial and deep, and also from the edges of the muscles and costal borders. This will result into a sculpted tummy with muscle enhancement.

The main disadvantages of Vaser are following-

1. Risk of skin burns- This is minimized by expertise and training. vaser has two modes Continuous and Vaser mode. Vaser mode is interrupted/ pulse mode so the energy is not continuously building up. The energy level if kept at 60-70 % the risk of burn is significantly reduced.

2. Large Inciison for port insertion and need to suture the wound- This can result in a longer scar and also it prevents drainage of fluid in first 24 hours increasing the risk of seroma.

The safer way is to use less energy so there is no need for port and incision can remain smaller or use only few ports for vaser and small incisions for liposuction and drainage of fluid

3. Big machine- It is difficult to carry this machine to different hospitals. Ultra Z is a good alternative that gives good result and also is small to carry to other operating facilities.

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