Medical rhinoplasty is a very interesting advancement. Being a Craniofacial surgeon and an expert in surgical rhinoplasty, I realized Medical rhinoplasty is a great armamentarium in our practice. Education is very important to make people understand that it does not replace surgery and is not “Magic”. It has a limited role and has its own pros and cons.
Medical rhinoplasty is performed using Botulinum toxin injections and filler injections.
Fillers are most useful to correct minor deformities of the nose such as depressions and dents. Fillers can also be used to camouflage a hump, droopy tip and deviated nose. it can also be used to correct minor deformities after a rhinoplasty surgery.
In my opinion hyaluronic acid based fillers such as Juvederm, Teosyal etc and hydroxyapetite fillers such as Radiesse are relatively safe in small quantities.
Advantages are that it can be done under local anaesthesia without incisions and minimal downtime.
Disadvantages are that it can cause allergic reaction, acne breakout, granulomas , displacement and has unpredictable longevity.
Botulinum toxins products such as Antiaging has very limiyted and temporary role, it can be used to temporarily relax the muscles of the nose and so, can be used to reduce flaring of nostrils and elevate the tip of the nose.