Skin Cancer / Moles Dubai – Dr. Sanjay Parashar

Skin Cancer / Moles Dubai

Skin Cancer and Mole:

Skin cancer is one of the more common types of cancers today. It is a malignant form of cancer which originates in the middle layers of the skin, just between the outer and the deeper layers. Most skin cancers tend to spread (metastasize) to other surrounding healthy tissues and organs.

Mole is a collective term used to describe various blemishes in the skin. It is commonly referred to as a ‘beauty mark’. Moles can develop in a variety of sizes and colors, from skin-colored to dark brown and even black.

Moles can be shaped flat or raised and are usually anywhere under ½ inches. Moles can develop almost anywhere on the skin, including the scalp, eyelids, ears, genitals, palms and soles. At times, a mole can become cancerous, which is also known as a melanoma. These are distinguished by their mostly asymmetrical and highly irregular structure. Common moles are known to transform into melanomas with time so it is important to get a mole checked just in case.

Symptoms of Moles that are Skin Cancers:

There is a simple method to see if a common mole is a skin cancer (melanoma), just check for:

  • A – Asymmetry (in shape)
  • B – Border (is irregular)
  • C – Colors (multiple colored)
  • D – Diameter (larger than a pencil’s
  • E – Evolving (constantly changing in size, shape or color)

What are the causes of Moles turning into Skin Cancer?

The main cause for the change in the cell’s division and developing ability is not yet known however studies have pointed out that people with light colored skin living in sunny climate regions are more at risk of developing melanoma. Large numbers of moles on the body also indicates towards development of malignant melanoma.

How is Mole removal performed?

Actual moles can be removed effectively using proper surgical methods. Non-surgical treatment methods, such as creams, ointments and cryotherapy (freezing) do not always work to remove the mole efficiently.

A surgical excision is the ideal method of mole removal. This is used for treatment of melanoma (cancerous moles) effectively. The surgeon will simply use a very fine scalpel to remove very fine layers from the mole until the mole is completely removed and there is no abnormal skin left in its place. An experienced cosmetic surgeon is the best choice for efficient and successful mole removal.

What is recovery like after a Mole removal surgery?

There might be slight scarring which is seen where the mole used to be. The scars may disappear with time or topical treatment but mainly depend on the location and type of skin. A mole removal surgery is a cosmetic surgery which takes comparatively lesser amount of time. The recovery after a mole removal surgery is faster and the patient is allowed to get back to work within a week.

As the danger of a mole developing into skin cancer is always present it is highly advisable to get a complete check done in case abnormal mole is observed anywhere on the skin. Effective surgical mole excision is successful in removing the mole completely and stops it from spreading (metastasizing) and affecting the surrounding healthy tissue.

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