Lower Body Lift – Dr. Sanjay Parashar

Lower Body Lift

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Lower Body Lift

A lower body lift procedure is also known as a Belt Lipectomy. This is an effective cosmetic body contouring surgical procedure that helps to reshape the body into a more attractive shape. This is one of the most popular cosmetic body lift surgeries worldwide.

A lower body lift surgery aims to improve the lower body region all around. This is an extensive cosmetic surgical procedure which aims to remove the underlying excessive fat deposits (if any) and extra skin from the abdomen, sides, hips, upper thighs, lower back, buttocks, etc.

Lower body lift procedure can often be combined with other effective body sculpting aesthetic procedures, such as liposuction, tummy tuck and thigh lift procedures for more extensive improvement in the shape of the body.

Who is a candidate for Lower Body Lift surgery?

A person who has undergone a drastic and sudden weight loss is mostly considered for lower body lift surgery. The person may seek to get a lower body lift in order to contour the body into a more attractive form. This cosmetic surgery is mostly sought by women after pregnancy or by men and women after drastic weight loss.

The surgeon/doctor will consider several other factors to determine whether the person seeking a lower body lift is ready to undergo a lower body lift body contouring cosmetic procedure. These are the main factors:

  • Age
  • Overall health
  • Underlying medical conditions (if any)
  • Plans to get pregnant again (for women)
  • Stable weight range maintained
  • Realistic expectations

How is a Lower Body Lift surgery performed?

A lower body lift procedure is an extensive cosmetic surgery. This requires the surgeon to perform the operation by administering general anesthesia to the patient. This prevents the patient from experiencing any form of discomfort or pain during the surgery.

Once the patient is under the anesthetic effects, the surgeon will begin the surgery with an incision that begins at one side of the lower abdomen, continues around the body and traces the circumference of the body at the level.

Once the incision is made, the surgeon will begin removing any stubborn deposits of fat that still remain even after the weight loss. These are usually removed using liposuction method. Liposuction requires a cannula, which is a small and thin surgical vacuum tube. In case there are small deposits of fat that deform the attractive shape of the body, then the cannula is inserted and gently removes the underlying fat deposits effectively.

Once the underlying fat deposits are removed, the surgeon will then focus on removing the excess skin. The extra skin is excised (removed) using a fine scalpel. The remaining skin is then stretched and draped over the abdomen, hips, buttocks, sides, thighs, etc.

Once the skin is draped over and is smooth, the surgeon will stitch together the skin from both sides of the incision using strong sutures and surgical staples.

How successful is Lower Body Lift surgery?

Lower body lift surgery is one of the most popular full body cosmetic procedures today. Expert cosmetic surgeons who have a reputation for being well-trained can give effective results with maximum result retention.

The lower body lift surgery shows visible result almost immediately, which improve greatly with time. The scars from the incision are usually there for around ten months but begin fading away gradually with time.

Are there any risks associated with Lower Body Lift surgery?

As is seen in almost any major surgery, the lower body lift surgery also has certain risks associated with it, such as:

  • Infection
  • Bleeding
  • Skin looseness (laxity)
  • Skin tissue death (necrosis)
  • Abnormal scarring
  • Seroma formation (fluid-filled lump/mass in organs or tissues
  • Wound re-opening
  • Asymmetrical appearance

The surgeon will take every possible precaution to prevent these risks from arising.

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    A lower body lift procedure is also known as a Belt Lipectomy. This is an effective cosmetic body contouring surgical procedure that helps to reshape the body into a more attractive shape. This is one of the most popular cosmetic body lift surgeries worldwide.

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