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Circumferential Abdominoplasty
Circumferential abdominoplasty (also called as ‘belt lipectomy’) is an extended form of abdominoplasty procedure. In this, the surgeon makes the incision all around the torso (as compared to only in the lower abdomen for conventional abdominoplasty) and uses this to remove excessive fat and tighten the skin to help give the middle and lower body an improved contour.
This procedure is often performed in combination with other efficient body lift procedures. As this is a comparatively extensive surgery it is advised to ensure the services of an experienced and well-trained surgeon. Although circumferential abdominoplasty takes significantly longer it also has shown far better results in giving an attractive shape to the lower body.
Who is an ideal candidate for a Circumferential Abdominoplasty?
Circumferential abdominoplasty is one of the best options to get comprehensive lower body contouring. This procedure is mostly advised for a person who has suffered drastic weight loss. Sudden loss in weight causes thick skin folds to develop which are also filled with small deposits of stubborn fat. Women also seek this procedure after childbirth to regain their youthful pre-pregnancy figure.
These are some of the factors that are considered before selecting a person for circumferential abdominoplasty:
- Age
- Weight range
- Weight stability
- Underlying medical conditions (if any)
- Practical expectations
How is a Circumferential Abdominoplasty performed?
A circumferential abdominoplasty – also called as belt Lipectomy – is a cosmetic ‘body lift’ surgical procedure. It is performed similar to a conventional tummy tuck (abdominoplasty) procedure.
The surgeon will begin the operation after administering general anesthesia. This prevents you from feeling any pain or discomfort during the surgery. The surgeon will make a single incision which runs all around the torso in the lower region.
This incision is used to access the underlying excessive fat deposits that are making the skin sag and form thick folds in the lower body area. The surgeon will use liposuction to remove the underlying fat. Liposuction involves using a cannula (small thin surgical vacuum tube). This in inserted into the incision and guided around accurately to remove the fatty tissue.
Once the surgeon has removed the fat from the abdominal region, sides, hips, back, buttocks, etc. the surgeon will then remove the excessive skin which remains once the inner fat is removed. The extra skin is excised and the remaining skin is stretched over the lower body.
This surgery removes the underlying body fat to improve the contour of the body while the removal of extra skin and stretching the remaining skin over gives the body a smooth and youthful appearance.
How is recovery after a Circumferential Abdominoplasty?
The scar from the circumferential abdominoplasty will be visible running a line around the abdomen. However, the scar will usually fade with time and mostly disappears within ten months. Most patients choose to go the more efficient laser resurfacing surgery to diminish the scar and make it almost invisible which helps it to fade away faster.
Apart from this, the surgeon will be able to best advise you about the exact time for recovery in your case. The surgeon will take into consideration several factors to determine the after-care guidelines for individual patients that will be designed to help speed up the process of recovery without rushing it.
Are there any risks associated with Circumferential Abdominoplasty?
As is seen with major surgical procedures, there are certain risks that are seen with circumferential abdominoplasty, such as:
- Infection
- Anesthetic allergy
- Bleeding
- Delayed healing of incision wound
- Scarring
- Numbness
- Pain
The surgeon will ensure that every preventive measure is taken to avoid these and any other complications from arising due to circumferential abdominoplasty.
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Circumferential abdominoplasty (also called as ‘belt lipectomy’) is an extended form of abdominoplasty procedure.
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