Neck Lift – Dr. Sanjay Parashar

Neck Lift

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Neck lift is usually a part of face lift:

Only neck lift are rarely indicated and can be performed with incision behind the ear that may extend into the hair lines.

In neck lift surgery the plates a muscle is tightened and excess skin is removed. sometimes additional platysmaplasty is performed by a small incision under the chin. Liposuction of neck and chin can be performed together for a better jaw line.

  • Short scar Face lift:

The aim of short scar facelift is to minimize scars and it is now more favourable procedure. it has several advantages such as, short scar, short procedure, localized anaesthesia, quicker recovery, less downtime and risks and more natural results. However the shortfalls may be, limited improvement , additional maintenance procedure may be required to improve other areas and may not last very long depending upon patient lifestyle.

  • Endoscopic Brow Lift:

It is performed in patients who have significant brow sagging or ptosis and hyperactive frown muscles and forehead muscles.

How is it performed ?

It is usually performed under general anaesthesia. Five short incisions are made in the hair line each of 2.5 cm in size. a small endoscope is inserted and few other instruments are inserted through the holes to separate the forehead skin from bone all the way to the brows. The hyperactive frown muscles (corrugated supercili ) are excised carefully. once the brow is released from underlying bone completely, a fixation device ( endotine brow lift device) is inserted and fixed to underlying bone in each side. the skin is pulled back and anchored to the tiny hooks on the device. the wounds are than closed.

What is the recovery of this procedure?

There is some swelling and bruising in the eyelid area that may last four to five days. patients can return to work after One week in most cases.

What are the risks?

Nerve damage, asymmetry, palpable endotine device are some of possible risks of this surgery.

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    Only neck lift are rarely indicated and can be performed with incision behind the ear that may extend into the hair lines.

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